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Software: Loginex Carbon Intelligence

Existing and forthcoming legislation such as the CSDD and CSRD and the German Lieferkettengesetz mean businesses have to register and report on their emissions throughout the logistics chain. Logistics account for a large share of CO2 emissions and so have a major role to play in correctly registering and allocating emissions to clients and customers.

Accurately and correctly measuring and registering CO2 emissions in logistics is particularly challenging. International Supply Chains are complex, with a huge variety of forms of transport and chains.

Visma Loginex: reliable and efficient reporting

Various standards and methods are important for calculating and allocating CO2 emissions in the logistics sector, particularly the European EN 16258, COFRET (Carbon footprint of freight transport) and GLEC (Global Logistics Emissions Council) Framework. Loginex uses these standards and methods to calculate emissions and is already prepared for the forthcoming introduction of ISO 14083.

The Loginex Carbon Intelligence SAAS platform has been specifically developed by Visma Connect and UC Group so that businesses in the logistics sector and Supply Chain can calculate reliable and validated CO2 emissions.

Under the NFRD (Non-Financial Reporting Directive) and EED (Energy Efficiency Directive), sustainability reporting is already mandatory for large companies in Europe. The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) will extend this to medium-sized businesses. That means their business partners and suppliers will also have to share information on their CO2 emissions.

Loginex complies with the European standards, legislation and regulations and can be used in CSRD sustainability reporting.

Contact us to find out more.

Team Software: Loginex Carbon Intelligence

Peter Jasperse

Peter Jasperse

Supply Chain & Sustainability Adviseur

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Frans Bruin

Frans Bruin

Supply Chain Consultant – Sustainability & Transformation

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Jos Eikhout

Jos Eikhout

Digital Innovation & Transformation Consultant

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Mirjam van Leeuwen

Mirjam van Leeuwen

Supply Chain Professional – Sustainability, Circularity & Transformation

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Pascal van Beek

Pascal van Beek

Founder of UC Group

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